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São José dos Campos; s.n; 2024. 110 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1551121


Este estudo avaliou a eficácia in vitro e in vivo de mantas de nanofibras (NF) de policaprolactona (PCL) incorporadas com nistatina (NIS) no tratamento da estomatite protética (EP) em modelos animais. NF foram sintetizadas com diferentes concentrações de NIS, totalizando quatro soluções: PCL puro, PCL/NIS 0,045 g, PCL/NIS 0,090 g e PCL/NIS 0,225 g. A liberação da NIS foi analisada por espectroscopia Ultravioleta-Visível. A capacidade das mantas de inibirem o biofilme de Candida albicans, principal fator etiológico da EP, dividindo-se cinco grupos (N=5) compostos por um grupo com controle de células de C. albicans e com PCL puro, além das três concentrações de NIS. A seguir, foi analisada a viabilidade celular em queratinócitos humanos (HaCat) por meio do teste colorimétrico de resazurina. Cinco grupos foram divididos (N=10): controle celular, PCL puro e as três concentrações de NIS. Em modelos animais de ratos Wistar albinos (N=18), dispositivos palatinos (DP) de resina acrílica foram confeccionados simulando próteses totais e utilizados para a indução da EP. Para isso, DP contaminados com C. albicans foram cimentados na região molar da cavidade bucal dos animais e permaneceram em boca por 48 h. Após esse período, os DP foram removidos e os animais foram divididos em três grupos: (C) controle; (B1) com tratamento por mantas de PCL/NIS 0,045 g e (B2) PCL/NIS 0,225 g, com N=6. Então novos DP, livres de contaminação, foram cimentados na cavidade oral dos animais e permaneceu por mais 48 h. Após esse período, os animais foram eutanasiados, a contagem de UFC/ mL foi realizada e os palatos foram coletados para a análise histológica. A curva padrão de NIS obtida apresentou R2 de 0,99. As três concentrações de NF apresentaram liberação de NIS, com pico no tempo de 6 h e valores de 66,26 µg/ mL para PCL/NIS 0,045 g, de 333,87 µg/ mL para PCL/NIS 0,090 g e 436,51 µg/ mL para PCL/NIS 0,225 g, constantes até o fim do experimento. Os grupos com NIS reduziram em 2,5 log10 de crescimento do biofilme fúngico em relação aos grupos sem tratamento, Controle e PCL, sem diferença estatística significativa. Não foi observada citotoxicidade nas células HaCat, com viabilidade celular de 93,7% para PCL/NIS 0,045 g, 72,6% para PCL/NIS 0,090 g e 72,4% para PCL/NIS 0,225 g. A indução da EP nos três grupos foi possível e, porém, sem redução significativa na contagem de UFC/ mL de C. albicans nos grupos B1 e B2. Na análise histológica do grupo C pôde-se observar infiltração de hifas de Candida na camada queratinizada, presença de células inflamatórias formando micro abscessos e um discreto infiltrado inflamatório no tecido conjuntivo subjacente ao epitélio infectado. Nos grupos B1 e B2 não foram encontradas alterações epiteliais, concluindo-se que as NF demonstraram atividade antifúngica in vitro e foram efetivas na prevenção da penetração de hifas no tecido palatino de animais com DP (AU)

This study evaluated the in vitro and in vivo efficacy of nanofiber (NF) mats of polycaprolactone (PCL) incorporated with nystatin (NIS) in the treatment of denture stomatitis (DS) in animal models. NFs were synthesized with different concentrations of NIS, totaling four solutions: pure PCL, PCL/NIS 0.045 g, PCL/NIS 0.090 g, and PCL/NIS 0.225 g. The release of NIS was analyzed by Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy. The ability of the mats to inhibit Candida albicans biofilm, the main etiological factor of DS, was assessed by dividing five groups (N=5) composed of a group with C. albicans cell control and with pure PCL, in addition to the three concentrations of NIS. Next, cell viability in human keratinocytes (HaCat) was analyzed using the resazurin colorimetric test. Five groups were divided (N=10): cell control, pure PCL, and the three concentrations of NIS. In albino Wistar rat animal models (N=18), palatal devices (PD) made of acrylic resin were fabricated to simulate total prostheses and used to induce DS. For this, PD contaminated with C. albicans were cemented in the molar region of the animals' oral cavity and remained in the mouth for 48 hours. After this period, the PDs were removed, and the animals were divided into three groups: (C) control; (B1) treated with PCL/NIS 0.045 g mats, and (B2) PCL/NIS 0.225 g, with N=6. Then new, uncontaminated PDs were cemented in the animals' oral cavity and remained for another 48 hours. After this period, the animals were euthanized, UFC/ mL counts were performed, and the palates were collected for histological analysis. The standard NIS curve obtained showed an R2 of 0.99. The three concentrations of NF showed NIS release, with a peak at 6 h and values of 66.26 µg/ mL for PCL/NIS 0.045 g, 333.87 µg/ mL for PCL/NIS 0.090 g, and 436.51 µg/ mL for PCL/NIS 0.225 g, remaining constant until the end of the experiment. The groups with NIS reduced fungal biofilm growth by 2.5 log10 compared to the untreated groups, Control and PCL, with no significant statistical difference. No cytotoxicity was observed in HaCat cells, with cell viability of 93.7% for PCL/NIS 0.045 g, 72.6% for PCL/NIS 0.090 g, and 72.4% for PCL/NIS 0.225 g. Induction of DS in the three groups was possible; however, there was no significant reduction in UFC/ mL counts of C. albicans in groups B1 and B2. Histological analysis of group C revealed infiltration of Candida hyphae in the keratinized layer, presence of inflammatory cells forming micro abscesses, and a discreet inflammatory infiltrate in the connective tissue underlying the infected epithelium. No epithelial alterations were found in groups B1 and B2, concluding that NFs demonstrated in vitro antifungal activity and were effective in preventing hyphal penetration into palatal tissue in animals with PD.(AU)

Stomatitis, Denture , Candida albicans , Nystatin
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2024. 86 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1551231


A eficácia dos implantes osseointegrados é amplamente reconhecida na literatura científica. Contudo, infiltrações bacterianas na junção implante-pilar podem desencadear inflamação nos tecidos circundantes, contribuindo para a evolução de condições mais sérias, como a peri-implantite. O objetivo desse estudo foi produzir complexos polieletrólitos (PECs) de quitosana (Q) e xantana (X) em forma de membranas, carregá-las com ativos naturais e sintéticos antimicrobianos, caracterizálas estruturalmente e avaliá-las frente a degradação enzimática, cinética de liberação e ações antimicrobianas com finalidade de aplicação para drug delivery. Membranas de QX a 1% (m/v) foram produzidas em três proporções, totalizando doze grupos experimentais: QX (1:1); QX (1:2), QX (2:1), QX-P (com própolis) (1:1); QX-P (1:2); QX-P (2:1); QX-C (com canela) (1:1); QX-C (1:2); QX-C (2:1) e CLX (com clorexidina 0,2%) (1:1); CLX (1:2); CLX (2:1). Para os estudos de caracterização foram feitas análises da espessura em estado seco; análises morfológicas superficial e transversal em Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV); análise estrutural de espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR); análise de degradação por perda de massa sob ação da enzima lisozima; e análise da cinética de liberação dos ativos em saliva artificial. Para os testes microbiológicos, análises de verificação de halo de inibição e ação antibiofilme foram feitas contra cepas de Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) e Escherichia coli (E. coli). Os resultados demonstraram que a espessura das membranas variou conforme a proporção, sendo que o grupo QX (1:2) apresentou a maior média de 1,022 mm ± 0,2, seguida respectivamente do QX (1:1) com 0,641 mm ± 0,1 e QX (2:1) com 0,249 mm ± 0,1. Nas imagens de MEV é possível observar uma maior presença de fibras, rugosidade e porosidade nos grupos QX (1:2) e QX (1:1) respectivamente, e, no QX (2:1) uma superfície mais lisa, uniforme e fina. No FTIR foram confirmados os picos característicos dos materiais isoladamente, além de observar as ligações iônicas que ocorreram para formação dos PECs. Na análise de degradação, os grupos com ativos naturais adicionados tiveram melhores taxas de sobrevida do que os grupos QX. No teste de liberação, os grupos QX-P tiveram uma cinética mais lenta que os QX-C, cuja liberação acumulada de 100% foi feita em 24 h. Já nos testes do halo inibitório, somente os grupos CLX tiveram ação sobre as duas cepas, e os QX-P tiveram sobre S. aureus. Nas análises antibiofilme, os grupos CLX apresentaram as maiores taxas de redução metabólica nas duas cepas (± 79%); os grupos QX-P apresentaram taxas de redução similares em ambas as cepas, porém com percentual um pouco maior para E. coli (60- 80%) e os grupos QX-C tiveram grande discrepância entre as duas cepas: de 35 a 70% para S. aureus e 14 a 19% para E. coli. Pode-se concluir que, frente as análises feitas, o comportamento do material foi afetado diretamente pelos ativos adicionados a matriz polimérica. As proporções de Q ou X afetaram somente a espessura final. Quanto a aplicação proposta de drug delivery, os dispositivos apresentaram grande potencial, principalmente os grupos CLX e QX-P. (AU)

The effectiveness of osseointegrated implants is widely recognized in scientific literature. However, bacterial infiltrations at the implant-abutment interface may trigger inflammation in surrounding tissues, contributing to the development of more serious conditions, such as peri-implantitis. The aim of this study was to produce chitosan (Q) and xanthan (X) polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) in the form of membranes, load and evaluate them for enzymatic degradation, release kinetics, and antimicrobial actions for drug delivery applications. QX membranes at 1% (w/v) were produced in three proportions, totaling twelve experimental groups: QX (1:1), QX (1:2), QX (2:1), QX-P (with propolis) (1:1), QX-P (1:2), QX-P (2:1), QX-C (with cinnamon) (1:1), QX-C (1:2), QX-C (2:1), and CLX (with 0.2% chlorhexidine) (1:1), CLX (1:2), CLX (2:1). Characterization studies included analyses of dry state thickness, surface and crosssectional morphology using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), structural analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, mass loss degradation analysis under lysozyme action, and active release kinetics analysis in artificial saliva. Microbiological tests included verification analyses of inhibition halos and antibiofilm action against strains of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli). Results showed that membrane thickness varied according to proportion, with group QX (1:2) presenting the highest average of 1.022 mm ± 0.2, followed by QX (1:1) with 0.641 mm ± 0.1, and QX (2:1) with 0.249 mm ± 0.1. SEM images showed greater presence of fibers, roughness, and porosity in groups QX (1:2) and QX (1:1) respectively, while QX (2:1) exhibited a smoother, more uniform, and thinner surface. FTIR confirmed characteristic peaks of the materials individually, besides showing ionic bonds formed for PECs. Degradation analysis revealed that groups with added natural actives had better survival rates than QX groups. In release tests, QX-P groups exhibited slower kinetics than QX-C, with 100% cumulative release achieved in 24 h. inhibitory halo tests, only CLX groups exhibited action against both strains, while QX-P acted against S. aureus. Antibiofilm analyses showed CLX groups with the highest metabolic reduction rates in both strains (± 79%); QX-P groups showed similar reduction rates in both strains, slightly higher for E. coli (60-80%), and QX-C groups had a significant discrepancy between strains: 35-70% for S. aureus and 14-19% for E. coli. In conclusion, material behavior was directly affected by added actives to the polymeric matrix. Proportions of Q or X only affected final thickness. Regarding proposed drug delivery applications, the devices showed great potential, especially CLX and QX-P groups.(AU)

Drug Delivery Systems , Chitosan , Dental Implant-Abutment Design , Phytochemicals , Polyelectrolytes
Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 186-196, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006284


Chinese materia medica has a wide range of clinical applications, but it has many active ingredients with different physicochemical properties, and the target organs, action pathways and mechanisms for different ingredients to exert their efficacy are not the same. Therefore, it is difficult to design and develop a co-delivery system loading multiple components of Chinese materia medica to maximize the synergistic therapeutic efficiency. Based on the characteristics of effectiveness and functionality of active ingredients, the strategies for multi-component co-delivery of Chinese materia medica can be categorized into two types:firstly, based on the effectiveness of active ingredients, new carriers such as liposomes, nanoparticles can be constructed to load multi-components of Chinese materia medica. secondly, based on the functionality of some active ingredients of Chinese materia medica, they are employed in the construction of co-delivery system, which can give play to the dual characteristics of their own efficacy and preparation functions. In this paper, we summarized the relevant research progress of the above two types of multi-component co-delivery strategies, and mainly discussed the pharmaceutical functions of the active ingredients in co-delivery systems, in order to find a more suitable multi-component co-delivery strategy, promoting the design and development of new delivery systems of Chinese materia medica.

International Eye Science ; (12): 236-240, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005387


Uveitis, a complex ocular disorder with numerous etiologies, can result from infection, autoimmune, and various physicochemical and mechanical injury factors. The treatment of this disease is difficult, and failure to receive timely and effective treatment can often lead to blindness. With the deepening of people's understanding of uveitis and its related mechanisms, various new sustained-release drug delivery systems for uveitis have been studied. However, due to the existence of various anatomical and physiological barriers in the eye, there are multiple obstacles to the sustained release treatment of uveitis. In this paper, the main research results in this field in recent years are reviewed, and the innovations and limitations of various new sustained-release drug delivery systems are discussed in order to provide new ideas for the sustained-release drug delivery treatment of uveitis in the future. These new sustained-release drug delivery systems will help to completely change the traditional treatment mode of uveitis with side effects and poor compliance in the future, bringing longer targeted sustained release and less toxic reactions.

Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 44(2): 1347, May.-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536654


ABSTRACT Intravaginal drug administration has many advantages in comparison to other delivery routes: its local and systemic effect, lower dosages, and easiness of administration. Furthermore, makes it a reliable and comfortable way of therapy. This route can be used to prevent and treat a wide range of conditions including, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), hormonal treatment, birth control, and cancer treatment. The dosage forms may vary from ovules, tablets, rings, gels, creams, films and many more; lately adding the mucoadhesiveness to the characteristics to reduce the waste of active molecules. This review focuses on the way mucoadhesive polymeric systems have been applied in vaginal delivery. This review presents a bibliographical compilation of results from various investigations published in scientific databases: Science Direct, SciELO, and PubMed Central. Results compiled demonstrate that the intravaginal drug administration can be an alternative form of medication for women with more stable and prolonged results than traditional routes requiring lower doses and avoiding the first-pass effect.

RESUMEN La administración de fármacos por vía intravaginal cuenta con múltiples ventajas a comparación de otras rutas, puede lograr un efecto tanto local como sistémico, las dosis requeridas son menores, facilidad de administración entre otras, hacen que esta forma de administración sea confiable y cómoda. Esta vía de administración puede ser empleada para prevenir y tratar diferentes trastornos, como enfermedades de transmisión sexual, desordenes hormonales, anticonceptivos y tratamiento contra el cáncer. La presentación de las dosis puede variar, desde óvulos, tabletas, anillos, geles, cremas, películas entre otros, agregando a esta, en los últimos tiempos, la característica de mucoadhesividad para reducir el desecho de moléculas activas. Este trabajo se enfoca en las aplicaciones que han tenido los sistemas poliméricos mucoadhesivos en la vía intravaginal. La bibliografía recolectada se obtuvo de bases de datos como Science direct, SciELO, y PubMed Central. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la administración de fármacos por vía intravaginal puede ser una forma alternativa para medicación en mujeres, con resultados más estables y prolongados que otras rutas, requiriendo menores dosis y evitando el efecto de primer paso.

Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 44(2): 1359, May.-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536656


ABSTRACT Hydrogels are gaining widespread popularity in the biomedical field due to their extraordinary properties, such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, zero toxicity, easy processing, and similarity to physiological tissue. They have applications in controlled drug release, wound dressing, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. Among these applications, hydrogels as a controlled drug delivery system stands out, which releases active substances in precise amounts and at specific times. To explore the latest advances in the design of hydrogels, a literature review of articles published in indexed scientific journals, in Scopus and Science Direct, was carried out. This review aimed to discover and describe the most innovative hydrogel research with applications in the biomedical field; hydrogels synthesized with polymers of different origins were selected, such as; i. Natural (dextran, agarose, chitosan, etc.); ii. Synthetic (polyacrylamide, polyethylene glycol, polyvinyl alcohol, etc.); iii. Composites (interpenetrants, hybrid crosslinkers, nanocomposites, etc.). Comparative analysis revealed that hydrogels with composite materials show the most promise. These composite hydrogels combine the advantages of different polymers or incorporate additional components, offering enhanced properties and functionalities. In summary, hydrogels are versatile biomaterials with immense potential in biomedicine. Their unique properties make them suitable for diverse applications. However, innovative designs and formulations must continue to be explored to further advance the capabilities of hydrogels and expand their biomedical applications.

RESUMEN Los hidrogeles están ganando una extensa popularidad en el campo biomédico gracias a que presentan propiedades extraordinarias como biocompatibilidad, biodegradabilidad, nula toxicidad, fácil procesamiento, y similitud con el tejido fisiológico. tienen aplicaciones en la liberación controlada de fármacos, el vendaje de heridas, la ingeniería de tejidos y la medicina regenerativa. Entre estas aplicaciones, destaca el uso de hidrogeles como sistema de administración controlada de fármacos, que liberan sustancias activas en cantidades precisas y en momentos concretos. Para explorar los últimos avances en el diseño de hidrogeles, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de artículos publicados en revistas científicas indexadas, en Scopus y Science Direct. El objetivo de esta revisión fue descubrir y describir las investigaciones de hidrogeles más innovadoras con aplicaciones en el campo biomédico, se seleccionaron hidrogeles sintetizados con polímeros de diferente índole como; i. Naturales (dextrano, agarosa, quitosano, etc.); ii. Sintéticos (poliacrilamida, polietilenglicol, alcohol polivinílico, etc); iii. Compuestos (interpenetrantes, reticulantes híbridos, nanocompuestos, etc.). El análisis comparativo reveló que los hidrogeles que utilizan materiales compuestos son los más prometedores. Estos hidrogeles compuestos combinan las ventajas de distintos polímeros o incorporan componentes adicionales, ofreciendo propiedades y funcionalidades mejoradas. En resumen, los hidrogeles son biomateriales versátiles con un inmenso potencial en biomedicina. Sus propiedades únicas los hacen adecuados para diversas aplicaciones, sin embargo, se debe seguir explorando diseños y formulaciones innovadores para seguir avanzando en las capacidades de los hidrogeles y ampliar sus aplicaciones biomédicas.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jan; 71(1): 297-299
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224807


With the advancement in the study of keratoconjunctivitis sicca and the scope of its treatment, punctal plugs are being widely used for the therapeutic management of dry eye disease. With the emergence of 3D printing in medicine, 3D printing of punctal plugs that have an inbuilt drug delivery system and also that can be personalized from patient to patient according to their punctum size can be a great therapeutic option. Another benefit of the device is that its printing takes a short period of time and is cost-effective. This study aimed at making an open source design and 3D printing an efficient model of a punctal plug with an inbuilt drug delivery system that can be eventually used for the treatment of various ocular diseases that require frequent drug instillation or blockage of the nasolacrimal pathway. The 3D design for the punctal plug was made using the open source application, FreeCAD, and slicing was done using the application ChituBox. After that, the plugs were printed using the LCD printer Crealty LD-002R. The material used was resin that was compatible with the Crealty LD-002R. Punctal plugs with satisfactory results were printed using the LCD printer. The punctal plugs showed suitable structure and were also easily reproduced in the 3D printer without any complications or setbacks.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Ophthalmology ; (12): 612-616, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990890


Neovascularization is the hallmark of many fundus diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion and neovascular age-related macular degeneration.More and more evidence suggests that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a critical role in neovascularization.Anti-VEGF drugs are the first-line treatment for neovascular fundus diseases and have achieved significant results.However, there are drawbacks such as short drug half-lives and the need for long-term administration to maintain effective concentrations, which increases the economic burden and medical risk for patients and reduces compliance.Therefore, finding a new method for intraocular drug delivery is of great clinical importance.Based on the principle that diabetes patients use insulin pumps to gradually release drugs, the ocular anti-VEGF drug delivery system can continuously release anti-VEGF drugs over a period of time, significantly reducing the injection frequency and improving patient compliance.At present, the research on ocular anti-VEGF drug delivery systems is still immature, and various systems are in different stages of clinical trials.According to different design principles, they can be divided into three categories with their characteristics, micropump (extraocular storage delivery systems), biodegradable implants, and non-biodegradable implants.This article summarized and analyzed the controlled ocular anti-VEGF drug release delivery systems currently in clinical trials.

International Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 348-354, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989362


Neutrophils are the first to reach the site of infection as they are the most numerous and dominant pathogen-killing cells in the circulatory system. They are both involved in initial immunity and act as effector cells in destructive inflammatory responses. The abundance of neutrophils in the human body and their inherent properties give them the ability to target inflammatory sites for drug delivery, and their important role in the inflammatory response has led to increasing attention to the therapeutic potential of neutrophils. In this review paper, the research progress in neutrophil-mediated drug delivery systems is reviewed, including the use of neutrophils as carriers, neutrophil exosomes as carriers, and in vivo targeted delivery of drugs using neutrophil properties.

International Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 74-79, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989319


The biomimetic strategy of using the cell membrane-coated nanoparticles can retain the physical and chemical properties of the nanoparticles and show the biological characteristics of the source cell membrane, which can further enhance the role of the nanodrug in tumor treatment. A hybrid cell membrane is the fusion of two or more different types of cell membranes. A hybrid cell membrane can endow nanoparticles with multiple biofunctions derived from the source cells compared with a single cell membrane. Hybrid cell membranes provide a foundation to stimulate extensive research into multifunctional biomimetic nano-drug delivery system (NDDS), which is expected to broaden the application of biomimetic nanotechnology in drug delivery systems. In this review paper, the types of hybrid cell membrane used to construct nano-drug delivery systems, the preparation and characterization methods, and cancer treatment research progress in recent years were reviewed.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 516-529, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965614


Since the application of biomedical nanotechnology in the field of drug delivery breathes new life into the research and development of high-end innovative agents, a substantial number of novel nano-drug delivery systems (nano-DDSs) have been successively developed and applied in the clinical practice. Among them, small molecule pure drug and prodrug-based nanoassemblies have grasped great attention, owing to the facile fabrication, ultrahigh drug loading and feasible industrial production. Herein, we provide an overview on the latest updates of small-molecule nanoassemblies. Firstly, the self-assembled prodrug-based nano-DDSs are introduced, including nanoassemblies formed by amphiphilic monomeric prodrugs, hydrophobic monomeric prodrugs and dimer monomeric prodrugs. Then, the recent advances on nanoassemblies of small molecule pure chemical drugs and biological drugs are presented. Furthermore, carrier-free small-molecule hybrid nanoassemblies of pure drugs and/or prodrugs are summarized and analyzed. Finally, the rational design, application prospects and clinical challenges of small-molecule self-assembled nano-DDSs are discussed and highlighted. This review aims to provide scientific reference for constructing the next generation of nanomedicines.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 494-505, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965612


Malignant tumors are major diseases that endanger human health. Due to their complex and variable microenvironment, most anti-tumor drugs cannot precisely reach the focal tissue and be released in a controlled manner. Intelligent responsive nano carriers have become a hot spot in the field of anti-tumor drug delivery systems. As an excellent nano material, mesoporous silica has the advantages of non-toxic, stable, adjustable pore volume and pore diameter, and easy functional modification on the surface. By virtue of its perceptive response to the tumor microenvironment or physiological changes, it can achieve the targeted drug release or controlled drug release of the drug delivery system in the tissue, making it an ideal carrier for intelligent response drug delivery system. In this paper, we review the design strategies and current research status of smart responsive anti-tumor drug delivery systems based on mesoporous silica, in order to provide a reference for the development of anti-tumor drug nanoformulations.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice ; (6): 135-138, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965561


Nanocarriers prepared from organic or inorganic materials are widely used in drug targeting system and diagnosis and treatment of disease. However, there are some problems, such as poor targeting, short circulation time in vivo and improvement in the biocompatibility. Biomimetic nanocarriers has carried out research on the issues, which based on different kinds of cell membrane for the nanocarriers modification, endogenous biofilm improving the biocompatibility of carriers in vivo, more accurate targeting, and even producing immunotherapeutic effect. The principle, method, targeting mechanism and therapeutic effect of biomimetic nano carrier technology of cell membrane have been reviewed in this paper, which provide a new direction for the research of new drug delivery system.

Journal of China Pharmaceutical University ; (6): 49-55, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965249


@#Protein corona is a protein layer that adsorbs on the surface after nonspecific interactions between nanoparticles and plasma proteins.In recent years, studies have shown that modification of specific plasma proteins on the surface of nanoparticles to construct protein corona can prolong the blood half-life of nanoparticles and promote the targeted delivery of nanoparticles, which has attracted widespread attention to the study of drug-carrying systems, among which, albumin corona, the most abundant protein in blood, is the most widely studied.Based on the above, this paper systematically summarized the method of constructing albumin corona and its application in the research on pharmaceutical preparations, in order to provide reference for the construction of albumin corona in the process of drug preparation.

Journal of China Pharmaceutical University ; (6): 23-33, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965247


@#In recent years, bio-metal organic frameworks (Bio-MOFs) synthesized with biocompatible ligands have been widely investigated as a potential drug delivery carrier due to their large specific surface area and porosity, rich host-guest intermolecular interactions, and good biocompatibility.In this review, we summarized the design methods of Bio-MOFs including structural and toxic factors, as well as a variety of drug loading methods including click chemistry, with particular focus on recent research advances in Bio-MOFs for pulmonary drug delivery systems, improving pharmaceutical properties of drugs, sustained and controlled drug release, stimulation response and targeted drug delivery systems.Finally, we summarized the bottlenecks that constrain the development of Bio-MOFs in clinical studies of actual pharmaceutical formulations and their future directions for approved formulations, aiming to provide some theoretical reference for promoting the application of Bio-MOFs in drug delivery systems.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 118-126, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964295


Molecular dynamics simulation technology relies on Newtonian mechanics to simulate the motion of molecular system of the real system by computer simulation. It has been used in the research of self-assembly processes illustration and macroscopic performance prediction of self-assembly nano-drug delivery systems (NDDS) in recent years, which contributes to the facilitation and accurate design of preparations. In this review, the definitions, catalogues, and the modules of molecular dynamics simulation techniques are introduced, and the current status of their applications are summarized in the acquisition and analysis of microscale information, such as particle size, morphology, the formation of microdomains, and molecule distribution of the self-assembly NDDS and the prediction of their macroscale performances, including stability, drug loading capacity, drug release kinetics and transmembrane properties. Moreover, the existing applications of the molecular dynamic simulation technology in the formulation prediction of self-assembled NDDS were also summarized. It is expected that the new strategies will promote the prediction of NDDS formulation and lay a theoretical foundation for an appropriate approach in NDDS studies and a reference for the wider application of molecular dynamics simulation technology in pharmaceutics.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 106-117, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964292


Antibacterial therapy is a global health issue. The antibiotic resistance is becoming an increasingly serious threat, which caused by misuse and overuse of antibacterial agents combined with the emergence of new resistance mechanism. The resulting infection treatment risk and incidence of the spread of disease, severe cases and deaths are increased in different degrees. With the extensive application of biomaterials and nanotechnology to biomedicine, extensive research has been conducted on antibacterial infection. With the specific physicochemical properties like optical, electric and magnetic and high penetration, inorganic nanomaterials can produce natural antibacterial effect. Nanomedicine can be designed to allow controlled drug release and targeting effect, thus demonstrated better antibacterial efficiency. In this review, the mechanism of antibacterial resistance is described, and the antibacterial infection research on inorganic nanomaterials, as well as nano-drug delivery system including liposomes, nanoparticles, dendrimers and biomimetic nanocarriers are summarized. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology offer promising strategies for the development of new agents that can improve efficacy on antibacterial infections and overcome antibiotic resistance potentially.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 95-105, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964291


Hair follicle (HF), one of the skin appendages, has received a lot of attention to be a new target and pathway for drug delivery. The development of hair follicle targeted drug delivery system (HFTDDS) through percutaneous permeation is particularly important for skin diseases derived from HF such as acne, hair loss, and folliculitis for their on-site action. This review describes the structure and physiological function of HF, the microenvironment of HF, and factors affecting HF permeation. Multiple nanoformulations used to improve the HF permeation and technologies to characterize the HF permeation were introduced. The latest advance of HFTDDS based on nanoformulations were systematically summarized and analyzed in the treatment of acne and hair loss. Finally, the challenges of formulating HFTDDS were discussed. The review is expected to provide some ideas and references for developing delivery systems for treating skin diseases derived from HF.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 508-512, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962501


With the advantage of high efficiency, low toxicity and targeting, liposomes have become the research hotspot of new drug preparations at home and abroad. In this paper, the research progress in recent years is reviewed from the aspects of preparation methods, classification and clinical application of liposomes. The results showed that in order to obtain more stable and controllable liposomes, scholars improved and optimized the traditional preparation methods and established novel preparation methods such as supercritical fluid methods, freeze-drying method and double-asymmetric centrifugation method. In order to enhance the efficacy and reduce toxicity, the conventional liposomes were optimized to get novel ones such as environmentally sensitive liposomes, long-circulating liposomes and multifunctional liposomes, which had greatly promoted the clinical application of liposomes. For now, liposomes have been used in many fields, such as anti-cancer agents, antimicrobial and vaccines, but most of the new liposomes are still in the early stage of development.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 502-507, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962500


The traditional model Franz diffusion cell method has always been the “gold standard” for evaluating the permeability of transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) drug. However, in the high throughput screening of a large number of drug molecules, it has the disadvantages of low efficiency, high cost, difficulty to obtain isolated skin,poor reliability and large workload. The emergence of parallel artificial membrane permeation assay (PAMPA) model provides reliable pre-prediction data for the evaluation of permeability of TDDS drug. PAMPA model has been widely used in the permeability screening research of TDDS drugs and their preparations such as analgesics, local anesthetics, antioxidants, antipyretics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, cholinesterase inhibitors, active ingredients of natural products, and has the characteristics of high reliability, good selectivity, high efficiency, low cost and data stability. PAMPA model has greatly improved the high throughput screening efficiency of TDDS drug permeability. With the extensive application and gradual maturity of this model, it will become a new and effective evaluation method in addition to the traditional evaluation model.